IMPORTANT: This collection of information is no longer maintained, and most of the information is long out of date. For instance, the CyberChair software, and other programs, have superseded the ones I link to from here. I am not aware of a good website that takes the place of this one, but feel free to suggest one so that I can link to it from here.

For example, instead you might wish to see my advice regarding running a PC meeting and organizing a workshop.

Resources for conferences and workshops

This page is the beginning of a repository for software, forms, and similar materials helpful to conference and workshop organizers. If you can add to this list, please send mail. Traditionally, this sort of information has been handed down via folklore; I hope that this collection can aid this often-repeated process and make it less scattershot.

Calls for papers

Here I could mention some likely places to send the CFP. This depends on the focus of your conference, but a good place to start is SIG Newsletter Editors ( and/or the SIG Information Directors (

Electronic paper submission

Assigning papers to committee members

Referee report forms

Summarizing referee reports

Sending form letters


I don't know of any software to help with this; it's typically done by hand.

Producing proceedings

For ACM conferences and workshops:

Other resources

There are so many sources of conference announcements and proceedings that I cannot hope to keep a list of them up to date. Mark Leone maintains a list of programming language conferences. Dale Miller maintains a conerence information index, and Martin Weichert has a list of conferences. More such resources can be found via Web searching tools.

Michael Ernst (