Referee form for IR '95: Intermediate Representations workshop * Paper number: Title: Authors: PC member: Reviewer: Overall score: Confidence: Justification, comments, and recommendations for authors: Comments for PC only (not for authors): * DIRECTIONS: Assign each paper two values: an overall rating and a confidence. The overall scores are integers in the range 0 to 10: 0 outside the scope of the meeting 1-3 strong reject: significant shortcomings 4-5 weak reject: has some merits, but not of acceptable quality 6-7 weak accept: makes a real contribution, but has some faults 8-10 strong accept: important paper, developed and presented well A workshop paper need not meet the same standards as a journal or conference paper. Avoid giving too many 5 and 6 scores: try to make a case for a higher or lower score, as that will make the PC's job easier. When grading a paper, please consider all of the following (interrelated) issues, and touch on all of them in your review. A paper with high grade should score high on several of these parameters. accuracy Is the paper correct? Is it complete? significance What is the contribution? Does it address important problems? Is the work theoretical or practical? originality What is new? Is the novelty significant and justified? A lack of novelty should be noted, but need not disqualify. presentation Is the paper comprehensible? Is it complete? Will it form the basis of a presentation that will enhance the workshop? relevance Is the topic relevant to intermediate representations? Is the work interesting to the whole field or only to the author? The confidence scores are integers in the range 0 to 4: 0 I did not understand the paper. 1 I am not fully confident of my judgment. Don't quote me. 2 I am reasonably well-informed about the topic, and have read the paper closely enough to have some confidence in my judgment. 3 I understand the paper, but am not expert in the field. 4 I understand this paper, and the related work, in detail. Program committee member: send the completed form (less these instructions, but with the delimiting asterisks) to as early as possible, but no later than November 11, 1994.