Dear : I am very pleased to inform you that your paper has been accepted for presentation at the ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL'95). Attached below are the reviewer's comments, plus instructions for producing the camera-ready copy. A written confirmation of your paper's acceptance will be sent within the next two weeks. Note that the final camera-ready copy *must* be in our hands by *** October 24, 1994 *** This is an absolute deadline. (If missed, your paper may not be included in the conference). Please send your camera-ready copy to the Conference Chair: Ron Cytron Washington University Department of Computer Science Campus Box 1045 One Brookings Drive St. Louis, MO 63130 telephone: (314) 935-7527 e-mail At some point you will be asked to sign an ACM copyright form. The conference is scheduled for 23-25 January 1995, in San Francisco. At the conference, you will be given a 30-minute time slot for presenting your paper. Of this 30 minutes, no more than 25 should be used for giving the talk, thus reserving at least 5 minutes for questions from the audience. A session chairman will help you to monitor the time spent during your time slot. We strongly recommend that you carefully prepare your presentation so as to make most effective use of the time. A clear, compelling, and complete summary of your paper will be more effective than a technically detailed talk that can be only half-completed in the time allowed! Note also that your talk will be presented to an audience with wide and varying interests in programming languages. To the greatest extent possible, your talk should be understandable at some level to everybody in the audience. For the reasons stated above, it is not unusual for the format of the presented talk to differ form that of the paper. The talk should compel the interested listener to read the paper. The language for this conference is English, and it is recommended that the speaker for your paper practice sufficiently to produce an audible, clear talk. Two overhead projectors will be available; any other audio/visual eqiupment needs must be made clear to the general chair (Ron Cytron) a month before the conference. Camera-ready copy should be produced on a reasonably high-quality (300 dpi or better) printer, typically from a .dvi, .ps or similar source. Facsimile is not acceptable for final camera-ready copy. The proceedings format is 2-column with pages formatted according the standard ACM conference style. If you are using LaTeX, we recommend using the acmconf.sty style file which is available via anonymous ftp: ftp cd user/petel/popl95 get acmconf.sty or from the POPL95 home page on the world-wide web: The base page limit is 12 pages. Authors may buy additional pages up to 15 for $150/page. [No charge for the first 12 pages, no possibility for more than 15.] If you have any questions please let me know. Thank you for submitting to POPL'95, and please accept our congratulations on your paper's acceptance. Sincerely, Peter Lee, POPL'95 Program Chair -----------------------------------------------------------------